Rabat & Cairo stand united against Algerian regime’s divisive policy & malicious attempts

Rabat & Cairo stand united against Algerian regime’s divisive policy & malicious attempts

Morocco and Egypt have confirmed the strength of their relationship, dealing a hard blow to the ruling junta in Algiers which has tried to no avail to sow trouble in the Moroccan-Egyptian relations following the signing of military cooperation agreement between Rabat and Addis Ababa.

The meeting held Tuesday in Cairo between Moroccan Foreign minister Nasser Bourita and his Egyptian peer Badr Abdel Ati belied all deceptive speculations circulated by the Algerian regime over a diplomatic spat between Morocco and Egypt over Ethiopia’s rapprochement with Rabat.

The meeting was held on the sidelines of 162nd session of the Arab League Council of foreign ministers convened in Cairo to discuss measures to counter the illegal Israeli policies and measures in occupied Al-Quds.

Talks between Bourita and Abdel Ati focused on bilateral relations, the Libyan crisis, Nile water dispute, the situation in Sudan and the Horn of Africa as well as the security and stability in the Sahel.

During the meeting, it has been decided that Morocco and Egypt will hold shortly their political and strategic consultation meeting to foster dialogue and partnership between the two countries.


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