Category: Features

New ‘independent’ Africa credit rating agency on track to launch in 2025

July 25, 2024

A new credit rating agency designed to address the needs of sovereign borrowers in Africa, and led by an African Union (AU) Commissioner, is on ... Read More

Energizing Africa: AI can help achieve universal energy access on the continent

July 25, 2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) can accelerate energy access in Africa, which is critical to reduce poverty, enhance productivity, and build resilience against climate change on the ... Read More

Kenya’s Gen Z inspires youth-led protests across Africa, putting leaders in Nigeria, Uganda in panic mode

July 22, 2024

From Nigeria to Uganda, leaders from across Africa are watching closely the youth-led anti-government protests in Kenya that, according to experts, could inspire youth across ... Read More

Kenya’s president dismisses almost entire cabinet amid simmering discontent

July 12, 2024

Kenyan President William Ruto on Thursday (11 July) fired almost all the ministers in his cabinet, including the attorney general, with immediate effect and promised ... Read More

Africa’s rare earths to boost global supply, adding 9% to market, by 2029 — report

July 12, 2024

Currently a minor player in the rare earth market, African mines have the potential to supply almost 10% of the world's rare earth elements by ... Read More

UN report accuses Rwandan troops of fighting with M23 rebels in eastern DR Congo

July 8, 2024

As many as 4,000 Rwandan soldiers were reportedly fighting battles alongside the M23 rebels in eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), with Kigali exercising significant ... Read More

Nigeria enacts curfew after multiple suicide bombings killed or injured dozens

July 2, 2024

The Nigerian military imposed a curfew in Borno state after suspected female suicide bombers targeted a wedding, a funeral and a hospital in the restive ... Read More

Niger: dispute with Benin, rebel attacks force junta to look for alternative oil export routes

July 1, 2024

Niger is considering routing its oil through neighboring Chad and Cameroon, instead of using a China-backed pipeline running from Niger to Benin's coast, after protracted ... Read More

Expanding extremist groups pose rising threat across Africa and beyond — experts

July 1, 2024

With the United States in the process of withdrawing its 1,000 troops from Niger and also about 75 from neighboring Chad, Western military officials and ... Read More

Algeria: British Newspaper Expects More Riots as Water Shortage Anger Mounting

June 27, 2024

The Guardian has warned that more demonstrations could erupt in Algeria as the authorities are not acting fast to address the water shortage and as ... Read More