Arab League Lauds Efforts of Morocco’s King, Chairman of Al-Quds Committee, for Al-Quds Asharif

Arab League Lauds Efforts of Morocco’s King, Chairman of Al-Quds Committee, for Al-Quds Asharif

The Arab Ministerial Committee for International Action against Illegal Israeli Policies & Measures in Occupied Al-Quds, has commended the projects carried out by Bayt Mal Al-Quds Acharif Agency, executive arm of Al Quds Committee, chaired by King Mohammed VI, in support of Maqdessis and their resistance.

In a resolution adopted Tuesday in Cairo, the Arab Ministerial Committee hailed the continued efforts made by the Monarch for the defense of the Al Quds inhabitants, paying tribute to the important role played by Al Quds Committee and Bayt Mal Al-Quds Acharif Agency.

For his part, the Arab League Secretary General has, praised in his report submitted to the ongoing 162nd session of the Arab League ministerial council, the royal initiatives launched to support the resistance of the City of Al-Qods, the Maqdessis and the Palestinian cause.

He cited in this regard the 40 tons of foodstuffs, emergency medicines and blankets sent last June by Morocco upon the Sovereign’s instructions. A large part of the humanitarian aid sent to Palestinian babies and young children was paid by the King’s own money.

Moroccan foreign minister Nasser Bourita is taking part in the 162nd session of the Arab League ministerial council convening in Cairo to review the decisions and commitments made by the Arab ministerial committee tasked with engaging international action to counter the illegal Israeli policies and measures in occupied Al-Quds.


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