Rabat hosts 52nd meeting of executive committee of OIC Parliamentary Union

Rabat hosts 52nd meeting of executive committee of OIC Parliamentary Union

Morocco’s Parliament is hosting this September 10-11 the proceedings of the 52nd Meeting of the Executive Committee of the Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States (PUIC).

In an opening address, Secretary General of the OIC Parliamentary Union, Muhammad Qureshi Nias, hailed Morocco’s interest in strengthening Islamic cooperation under the leadership of King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al Quds Committee, and highlighted the Sovereign’s high solicitude for the Palestinian cause and the Holy City.

Qureshi Nias welcomed the Kingdom’s sustained action to achieve the Union’s objectives and recalled that, in 2001, Rabat had hosted the second session of the Union Conference of Councils of OIC Member States and three ordinary meetings of the Executive Committee, the most recent of which being the third extraordinary meeting of the Committee, held in 2019.

Taking the floor, Speaker of the House of Councillors, Enaam Mayara, underlined that the Palestinian question and the fate of Al-Quds Asharif were and will remain the cause of all Moroccans, King, government and people, as well as a central focus of the political, diplomatic, and humanitarian action undertaken by Morocco, under the Leadership of King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee.

Mayara recalled the King’s repeated calls, in his capacity as Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, for collective action for an immediate, comprehensive, and lasting ceasefire in Gaza, the delivery of humanitarian aid, smoothly and in sufficient quantities, to the population of Gaza, and a total rejection of all forms of forced displacement, collective punishment, and retaliatory actions against the Palestinians.

Mayara noted that the PUIC meeting provides an opportunity to discuss mechanisms for strengthening joint Islamic action to put an immediate end to all Israeli abuses and support the creation of a secure and stable Palestinian state in accordance with the relevant international laws. He underlined the need for Islamic MPs to redouble efforts and take urgent and active action in support of this cause, insisting on the imperative of protecting civilians and condemning all aggressions and violations suffered by the Palestinian people.

The Upper House speaker underlined that the member states of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) are facing new-generation economic, political, security, environmental and health crises, which require, more than ever, the spirit of fraternity, solidarity, and synergy, and the federation of efforts to design programs and projects to meet common challenges and achieve the development of these countries.

In this regard, he surveyed Morocco’s African strategy and its commitment to promote sustainable development and strengthen joint Islamic cooperation for the benefit of the Organization’s African member states, and to support their economies through regional development initiatives and concrete measures aimed at ensuring the well-being and economic prosperity of African peoples, recalling in this respect the Atlantic Initiative aimed at facilitating access to the Atlantic seaboard for the countries of the Sahel and Sahara.

The Executive Committee of the Union of Councils of OIC Member States convenes at least twice a year, in the presence of at least ten of its fifteen members, to examine membership applications, issue an opinion on the draft agenda of the General Committee and the Conference, monitor the work and activities of the General Secretariat and fulfill other missions entrusted to it by the General Committee or the Conference.

The agenda for the two-day meeting, which will culminate in the adoption of the Rabat Declaration, includes the election of the Bureau, the adoption of the agenda and work program, the reading and adoption of the report of the Union’s Secretary General, the establishment of the draft agenda of Permanent Specialized Committees and Sub-Committees, in addition to the adoption of the draft agenda of the 26ᵉ session of the General Committee of the Union and the 19ᵉ session of the PUIC Conference.

The Parliamentary Union of the OIC Member States gathers 54 member Parliaments. Created in 1999, the Union aims to introduce and promote Islam’s teachings, provide a framework to achieve cooperation and coordination between the assemblies of the OIC member States, reinforce gatherings and dialogue between its members, exchange parliamentary expertise, and debate the economic, cultural, social, and cultural questions concerning the OIC member States and make the adequate recommendations and decisions required.

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