Tag: Morocco-Spain Rift

Spanish army pins blame on foreign ministry for fraudulent entry of Polisario leader

June 28, 2021

In a new hearing, the Spanish commander blamed the foreign ministry in Madrid for not unveiling the identity of Brahim Ghali who entered the country ... Read More

Morocco-Spain rift: Rabat takes note of appearance of Polisario leader in court as “an evolution”, but says this is not the root base of crisis

May 31, 2021

The appearance, Tuesday June 1, of the leader of the separatists Brahim Ghali before the Spanish National High Court (Audiencia Nacional) is, of course, an ... Read More

Morocco-Spain rift: Former Spanish politician urges Madrid to rectify its error

May 29, 2021

Former Spanish Foreign Minister Josep Piqué has criticized his country’s decision to host secretly and under a false identity the polisario separatists’ leader Brahim Ghali, ... Read More

Spain has undermined neighborliness, mutual respect- Morocco says

May 28, 2021

Morocco’s ambassador to Spain Karima Benyaich said Morocco deplores the inappropriate and fallacious statements uttered by Spain’s foreign minister, adding that Rabat blames Spain for ... Read More

Two influential Spanish politicians rebuke Madrid’s handling of crisis with Morocco

May 28, 2021

Ex-Spanish PM José Luis Rodriguez Zapatero and former foreign minister José Manuel Garcia Margallo have slammed the management of Pedro Sanchez government of the diplomatic ... Read More

Algerian military aircraft makes suspicious trip to Spain amid diplomatic crisis with Morocco

May 26, 2021

An Algerian military aircraft made on Monday a suspicious trip to Spain amid heightened tensions with neighboring Morocco for hosting polisario chief with an Algerian ... Read More