Morocco signs tourism promotion deal with the French travellers Union

Morocco signs tourism promotion deal with the French travellers Union

timthumbMoroccan tourism authority has signed a promotion agreement called “Destination Morocco” with the French travellers union.

After signing a deal with the American Travellers Union last August, and with Tourism Group TUI France in October, the Moroccan Tourism Authority has sign a partnership deal with the Union of tour-operating companies of France, made of tour operators of France, in partnership with National Confederation of the Moroccan tourism.

The partnership seeks to promote in the French tourism industry, in the media and inform the general public. The partnership was negotiated last January after the French attacks in Paris and will be immediately implemented.

The number of French tourists in Morocco dropped sharply, about 60 % after the French attacks in comparison with last year’s figures. These figures do not include online bookings. However, these are clear indications of the importance of French tourists in the Moroccan tourism business.

Moroccan tourism promoters are doing their best to attract international tourists to Morocco. They participated last week in the 37th Utazas Exhibition, in Hungry, one of the prominent tourism Fairs in Central Europe. Meanwhile the city of Marrakech also hosted the annual conference of the American travellers Association.

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