Tag: US Africa Command

US says it killed scores of al-Shabab fighters in central Somalia air strike

September 22, 2022

The United States military said on Wednesday (21 September) it had killed 27 fighters from the al-Shabab militant group in an air strike in Somalia's ... Read More

Libya: Washington debunks involvement in raid on al-Qaeda

February 15, 2019

The USA Thursday refuted statement by the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) that it conducted in coordination with the Tripoli-based administration a raid on ... Read More

US Airstrike in Somalia kills 52 al-Shabaab Militants

January 21, 2019

US Africa Command, which oversees US military operations on the continent, last weekend said an airstrike near Jilib, Middle Juba Region of Somalia, killed more ... Read More

Tunisia Denies Housing a Secret US Military Base

October 28, 2016

Tunisia has denied reports that it is one of the countries allowing the US army to secretly use one of its military bases to carry ... Read More