Tag: Government of National Unity

Khalifa Haftar resumes position of Commander in chief of rival Libyan army

February 4, 2022

Khalifa Haftar, the strongman of the Libyan eastern region, has resumed his position as general commander of the Libyan National Army (LNA); an army opposed ... Read More

Morocco to re-open consulate in Tripoli after eight-year hiatus

January 31, 2022

A high key delegation of Moroccan officials arrived in Tripoli Saturday to oversee the reopening of the kingdom’s consulate in the Libyan capital after an ... Read More

Libya’s HoR to unveil new cabinet today

January 18, 2022

The Libyan parliament, House of Representatives (HoR), is set to appoint a new cabinet today, Tuesday, house member Abdelmoneim al-Orafi has confirmed, Libya Update media ... Read More

Direct peace talks between two opposing Libyan delegations under the auspices of the United Nations

October 20, 2020

Direct talks between two opposing Libyan delegations began this Monday, October 19 in Geneva under the auspices of the United Nations. Ten members of the ... Read More