UN/Sahara: Morocco reaffirms attachment to lasting political solution based on Autonomy Plan

UN/Sahara: Morocco reaffirms attachment to lasting political solution based on Autonomy Plan

Morocco has reiterated at the United Nations its firm attachment to a lasting political solution based exclusively on the autonomy plan offered by the Kingdom to the Sahara under its sovereignty.

The crystal-clear and unwavering position comes in Morocco’s address made by Head of Govt. Aziz Akhannouch at UN General Assembly convening in New York.

Akhannouch cited in this regard King Mohammed VI’s remarks saying: “no political process is possible outside the framework of the round tables defined by the UN, with the full participation of Algeria, nor any solution outside the framework of the Moroccan autonomy initiative, or any serious political process without the return of the armed militias to the ceasefire” as demanded by the Security Council.

He also underlined the growing international support for Morocco’s sovereignty over its Sahara and for the autonomy initiative, saying this sends a clear message to the other parties to the conflict and to the UN that time has come to move towards a political solution on this basis, through the round table process and in accordance with Security Council resolutions.

Akhannouch availed this opportunity to renew Morocco’s support for the efforts of the UN Secretary-General and his Personal Envoy to re-launch the political roundtable process, with its four participants in a bid to find a realistic, pragmatic, lasting political solution to this regional dispute, in accordance with Security Council resolution 2703.

He highlighted the inclusive socioeconomic development the Moroccan Sahara is witnessing thanks to the major projects carried out under the new development model for the southern provinces.

The Head of the Moroccan Government also underlined the active participation of local Sahrawi inhabitants, through their democratically elected representatives, in political and socio-economic life, reflecting their full attachment to the Kingdom’s territorial integrity and the Moroccan identity of the Sahara.

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