Algeria: Tindouf camps, “Time Bomb” Threatening Regional Security

Algeria: Tindouf camps, “Time Bomb” Threatening Regional Security

The Polisario-controlled Tindouf camps, located in southern Algeria, are a time bomb threatening the security and stability of the whole region, said Ivory Coast newspaper ‘Le Mandat’.

In a story published Thursday on the growing terrorist threats in the Sahel-Sahara, the daily said the region is already facing serious challenges, namely terrorism which claimed hundreds of lives in several Sahel countries.
The Ivorian newspaper quoted international experts saying that the Algeria-backed Polisario militias supply terrorist groups operating in the region with trained fighters in exchange for money.

The Algerian junta supports the Polisario separatists militarily, financially and diplomatically, squandering billions of Algerian petro-dollars on a lost cause instead of spending the tax-payers money on socioeconomic development, said the publication, blaming the Algerian authorities for perpetuating the sufferings of the Sahrawis trapped in the camps wherein they are deprived of the rights to freedom of movement, expression and a dignified life.

The international community has decried this alarming situation, while the Algerian regime refuses to allow UNHCR to conduct a census of the Sahrawis held in the Tindouf camps for nearly five decades, said the daily voicing concern over the mounting tension in the region which is on the verge of implosion.

The Algerian regime is supporting several groups threatening regional peace, sowing divisions, chaos and violence especially in the Sahel, underlined the daily, citing intelligence reports confirming Polisario’s connection with terrorist groups operating in the Sahel.

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