Controversial Crans Montana Forum Turns Out to be Big Hit for Morocco
The 25th Crans Montana Forum which was opened Friday in the city of Dakhla (Southern Morocco) as scheduled with hundreds of African and foreign delegates from around the world taking part in the three-day conference turned out to be a big success and hit for Moroccan diplomacy.
According to some political analysts, it seems that Morocco has scored some points as the conference proceeds without glitch with debates in full steam, focussing on South-South cooperation, Africa’s huge untapped natural resources and the business opportunities offered in renewal energies, fisheries and tourism.
Despite campaigns launched by the polisario separatists and their lobbies contesting Morocco’s territorial sovereignty over Western Sahara including the southern coastal city of Dakhla, a huge turnout has elevated the spirit of the organizers of the forum and strengthened Morocco’s position and international status as a major player in the African continent.
Although Morocco is not member of the African Union due to a row over the issue of Western Sahara, the North African nation has enhanced its economic presence in Africa through its private companies (telecom, banks, insurance, builders…) which are now operating in most African countries.
In the Crans Montana forum, currently held in Dakhla until March 14, participants will talk about Morocco’s African policy and solidarity. Organized under the motto : “Together for a better world: strengthening the economic development in Africa”, keynote speakers will map out the new approach emerging in international relations, discuss the sovereign Funds’ investment policies towards Africa and the growing role of the South-South belt’s countries in Africa.
The conference program features presentations by experts stressing the need to improve investment climate in Africa, foster regional integration, improve management natural resources & good governance, step up the fight against corruption and informal economy.
The event is also an opportunity to enhance dialogue and contacts between African decision-makers, international entrepreneurs and civil society representatives to exchange views and build common grounds for a better future with shared geostrategic interests.