Morocco Takes Part in Arab FM Meetings Ahead of Jeddah Summit

Morocco Takes Part in Arab FM Meetings Ahead of Jeddah Summit

Moroccan foreign minister Nasser Bourita is taking part in the preparatory meetings for the 32nd Arab Summit due in Jeddah on May 19.

The summit comes amid ongoing Sudan crisis, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, continuing tension between Morocco and Algeria over the Sahara issue, Syria’s return to the Pan-Arab organization, the Iranian and Turkish interferences in Arab internal affairs…

Addressing Arab foreign ministers, Saudi Arabia’s top diplomat Prince Faisal bin Farhan said the region is facing several socioeconomic and political challenges, and called for more cooperation between Arab countries to achieve security, stability and economic prosperity.

He welcomed Syria back to the Arab League after a 12-year suspension over its bloody crackdown on pro-democracy protesters against Bachar Al Assad.

The Arab League Secretary-General Ahmed Aboul Gheit also welcomed Syria’s return which comes within the frame of geo-strategic changes taking place in the region, including the war in Ukraine, the reconciliation between Riyadh & Teheran and the rapprochement between Cairo and Ankara.

Several ministerial committees are meeting to discuss the summit’s agenda and submit their recommendations to the Arab leaders for endorsement.

Morocco is a member of the committee monitoring the threat of Iran and the committee supporting the Palestinian State and its full UN membership.

On the sidelines of the Arab league gatherings, M. Bourita met with the Arab league chief and several Arab ministers to coordinate stands on issues of common concern including the respect of the territorial integrity & sovereignty of Arab countries and the Iranian threats and backing to terrorist and separatist groups.

Last year, the Arab ministerial committee monitoring Iranian interference in Arab countries’ domestic affairs expressed full solidarity with Morocco following the involvement of Tehran and its Hezbollah proxies in supporting Polisario separatist militias.

Besides Morocco, the committee includes Saudi Arabia, the UAE, Bahrain, Egypt and the general secretariat of the Arab League.

The support of Iran and Hezbollah for the Polisario is part of Tehran’s agenda to sow instability and insecurity in the Arab region. Morocco severed ties with Iran in 2018 after it showed Iranian authorities evidence of their involvement in backing militarily the separatist Polisario front in connivance with neighboring Algeria.

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