Morocco outperforms North African peers in economic freedom- Heritage Foundation

Morocco outperforms North African peers in economic freedom- Heritage Foundation

Morocco topped North African countries in the Economic Freedom Index which covers 12 freedoms – from property rights to financial freedom – in 184 countries.

Globally, Morocco was ranked the 97th freest in the 2022 Index. But its overall score was above the regional average.

Algeria continued to lag behind ranking the 167th globally and the most unfree market regionally.

Algeria “has fallen into the middle ranks of the Repressed category,” the Heritage foundation said in its index, noting the weaknesses in terms of the rule of law and open markets.

Tunisia fared better than Algeria as the 128th freest in the 2022 Index although it scored below regional average.

In Tunisia, “property rights and trade freedom are somewhat strong, but financial freedom is extremely weak,” the index said.


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