Morocco carries out naval exercises with India & Pakistan

Morocco carries out naval exercises with India & Pakistan

Royal Moroccan Navy frigate “Lieutenant Colonel Arrahman” and India’s third Talwar-class frigate “INS Tabar” have conducted last weekend a joint maritime partnership exercise off the Casablanca port.

The drill focused on communication procedures, replenishment at sea procedures and naval maneuvers. The exercise concluded with the traditional steam past between the two ships to bid farewell to each other.

It helped the two countries navies to improve their capabilities, share naval experiences and skills.

On August 10, 2021, Royal navy second SIGMA Class frigate, Sultan Moulay Ismail, carried out a maritime exercise with Pakistan’s Navy Zulfiqar ship near Gibraltar strait.

The exercise included advance maritime maneuvers, naval interception operations as well as boarding and force protection drills. The goal is to enhance interoperability and coordination between the two countries’ navies.

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