Coronavirus: Morocco surpasses 60,000 cases and 1000 deaths
Morocco has registered on Saturday 1567 coronavirus infections and 26 death bringing the total tally to 6056 cases and 1078 deaths.
The number of recoveries rose to 44618 people with a recovery rate of 74.3% while the death rate rose to 1.8%.
Cases in critical condition increased to 198 including 41 on artificial respiration amid calls by medics of a saturation of intensive care units if cases continue to surge.
Morocco has tested 1.9 million people so far and maintains closure of its air space to international traffic save exceptional flights reserved for Moroccan nationals or foreign residents.
Morocco has waved the possibility of a full lockdown in case infections continue to spike though such an option would have a destructive impact on the economy.
Morocco has emerged from a complete confinement last June but maintained enforcement of strict measures including mandatory wearing of facemasks in public.
It has also closed some beaches and neighborhood in cities with high infections and plans distance learning in September.