Libya: Haftar gives chance for dialogue with GNA ahead of Berlin summit
Rebel army commander opposed to the UN-backed Government of National Accord has indicated that he was ready for dialogue amid international calls for a political solution to the Libyan crisis.
Khalifa Haftar said in a statement Wednesday he heeded the calls for peace and halt to his military campaign to seize Tripoli.
Several leaders at the UN General Assembly made the calls for dialogue in the oil-rich African country divided between Haftar-backed Eastern administration and the UN-sponsored Government of National Accord (GNA).
“When all is said and done, we need dialogue and we need to sit down,” said Haftar.
However, dialogue was “not possible so long as terrorist groups and criminal militias control Tripoli,” he added.
Haftar who accuses the GNA of housing terror groups launched the military offensive in Early April in view of flashing out the alleged terror groups.
The GNA leader Faiez Serraj representing Libya at the UN summit blasted Haftar and branded him a war criminal seeking to carry out a coup through the offensive.
The calls for peace and Haftar’s statement come as preparations are underway for a summit on Libya in Berlin, Germany early November.
The UN gave its blessing for the meeting deeming Germany unbiased, unlike France and Italy which have been haggling for influence in Libya.