Sahara : UN Adopts Electronic System to Monitor Humanitarian Aid in Tindouf

Sahara : UN Adopts Electronic System to Monitor Humanitarian Aid in Tindouf

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres has decided to deploy an electronic system in the Tindouf camps to monitor the international humanitarian aid and prevent its embezzlement by the Polisario in connivance with some Algerian officials.

The move is the first of its kind made by the United Nations to combat the misappropriation and diversion of international humanitarian aid from of the beneficiary populations.

Before launching this e-surveillance system, civilian and military members of MINURSO were trained to monitor the storage and distribution of food destined to the inhabitants of the Tindouf camps.

The training was supervised last week by Head of MINURSO, Colin Stewart and Military Force Commander Zia Ur Rehman, said Moroccan daily “Assabah” citing informed sources.

The training was moderated by a team from the Office of Information & Communication Technology, led by Abd Al Miraage. The trainees learnt how to use “Rotronic Monitoring System” (RMS) in order to put an end to the embezzlement of humanitarian aid destined for the inhabitants of the Tindouf camps.

The embezzlement of humanitarian assistance was exposed by several international reports, which documented how the aid was diverted and resold in markets in southern Algeria, Mauritania and other neighboring countries.

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