Ireland, France top foreign investors in Morocco in 2018
The main source of foreign direct investment in Morocco in 2018 was Ireland, which accounted for 30% of FDIs flows, according to preliminary figures released by the Office des Changes.
Thus, out of a total of 34.16 billion Dirhams, Ireland injected in Morocco 9.68 billion Dirhams (+ 6 billion dirhams in one year).
France took the second spot with 8.12 billion dirhams in 2018 against 7.73 billion dirhams in 2017.
Denmark (3.89 billion dirhams), the United Arab Emirates (2.79 billion dirhams) and the United States (2.19 billion dirhams) are in the third, fourth, and fifth place respectively.
Japan’s FDIs flow in the Kingdom peaked in 2018 to 1.58 billion Dirham against 5 million Dirhams a year earlier.
The data released by l’Office des Changes show that foreign investors are mostly attracted by financial and insurance activities (9.66 billion dirhams at the end of 2018), real estate activities (5.35 billion dirhams) and manufacturing industries (4.88 billion dirhams). These three sectors captured more than half of the FDIs flow by the end of 2018.