Egypt: Internet Regional Cloud Protection Services
A data transfer agreement which also includes internet security has been concluded between the Telecom Egypt Data (T.E Data), a telecommunication company, and Z Scaler, an internet service provider dedicated to security solutions. It will enable T.E Data to distribute internet cloud protection services to networks throughout the Middle East and also provide the region with security over internet networks against viruses and hackers by making available cloud computing applications in addition to a number of other online solutions.
Regional internet attacks targeting financial institutions are on the increase. The Managing Director of T.E. Data and Oversight Official for the Business Unit of Egyptian Telecommunications, Tamer Jadullah, said “a number of companies operating in the Middle East have recently been on the receiving end of malicious online attacks from anonymous pirate and hacker organizations.” He said they are up to the task and the new agreement will make it easier from them. He added that they are dedicated towards improving and making available “cost company solutions to these types of challenges.”
Egyptians have focused more on technology to execute their daily activities after the revolution hampered the usual routine in the country. E-mail, network applications and e-commerce have become dominant and according to Tamir Jadullah, their agreement with Zscaler will provide a more safer and efficient environment for their usage.
Z Scaler’s vice president, Nidal Taha, didn’t hide her excitement about the agreement which she said will be cheaper and safer for users. She concluded that the agreement will strengthen the cooperation between the two companies.
It is also stated that the implementation of the agreement will enhance safe data exchange between users between users of various internet sites as required under the international and to its standards.