Electricity : Liberia to connect additional 33,000 new customers

Electricity : Liberia to connect additional 33,000 new customers

The Liberia Electricity Corporation (LEC) has resumed work on the Monrovia-Bomi Corridor/Liberia Accelerated Electricity Expansion Project-Additional Financing (LACEEP-AF).

The move comes after the issuance of the Environmental Social Impact Assessment Permit by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), local media reported.

According to the Daily Observer, the project was suspended last year, after the World Bank requested the conduct of the Environmental Social Impact Assessment survey.

The Monrovia-Bomi Corridor/LACEEP-AF project will connect additional 33,000 new customers to the national electricity grid.

The public affairs and community outreach team of the LEC, during a town hall meeting in the township of Caldwell, informed residents of the resumption of the project and encouraged them to properly wire their homes in preparation for connections.

Network Supervisor Brendan O’Connor urged residents of the township to prevent electricity theft from infiltrating their network when the lights are finally switched on.

The Liberia Accelerated Electricity Expansion Project (LACEEP) is aimed at advancing Liberia’s National Agenda for Transformation, to achieve a more prosperous and inclusive society.

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