IT Engineer Appointed New President of Anti-corruption Authority
King Mohammed VI has appointed Mohamed Bachir Rachdi, an IT engineer, new president of the national anti-corruption authority, l’Instance nationale de la probité, de la prévention et de la lutte contre la corruption (ICPC).
During the appointment ceremony Thursday, the King emphasized the importance he attaches to the fight against corruption in all its forms, given its negative impact on the functioning of public administrations and institutions and on the services to the citizens, said the Royal Office in a statement.
The Sovereign also underlined the negative repercussions of this scourge on the various sectors of the economy and on achieving sustainable and balanced development.
In this connection, the Sovereign urged the new President of the anti-corruption authority to endeavor for the optimal implementation of the tasks entrusted by the Constitution to this national institution. These tasks encompass, among others, initiative taking, coordination, supervision of the execution and monitoring of anti-corruption policies, and contribution to the moralization of public life, the statement said. The institution is also tasked with enshrining the principles of good governance, the culture of the public service, and the general interest, as well as the values of responsible citizenship.
The King also stressed the need for the authority to promote coordination and cooperation with the national institutions and authorities concerned, and to pool efforts for collective mobilization, using all awareness-raising mechanisms and legal means in order to prevent and combat this scourge in all its manifestations. The King called for the application of legal and judicial procedures against offenders, the Royal Office said.
Mohamed Bachir Rachdi, was born in 1960 in Khouribga. Holder of a degree in Electrical Engineering and Industrial Informatics from the Rabat Mohammedia School of Engineers, Mr. Rachdi is currently the President and General Manager of a Moroccan company specializing in providing IT solutions.
He is member of the Economic, Social and Environmental Council (CESE), as well as of the Council of the National Observatory for Human Development (ONDH).
Mr. Rachdi, former Secretary General of Transparency Morocco, chairs the Ethics and Good Governance Commission of the Moroccan employers’ association, the CGEM.