Madagascar: King Mohammed VI Renames Antsirabe Mosque after His Grand-Father
King Mohammed VI, who is visiting Madagascar within the frame of a new African tour, visited Wednesday, “Antsirabe Mosque” which the Sovereign re-named after his grandfather late king Mohammed V.
The Moroccan monarch, Commander of the Faithful, also performed a prayer at the mosque and donated copies of the holy Quran to the local Muslim community and the mosques of Madagascar.
On this occasion, Abdelhak Lamrini, historiographer of the Kingdom, offered the King photos showing late king Mohammed V delivering the Friday sermon at the Antsirabe mosque, while others show late king Mohammed V, leading the Friday prayer. Prince Moulay Hassan who was then crown prince was performing the prayer behind him.
For his part, president of the mosque management committee offered the King an album of three pictures of the royal family inside the mosque.
The Mohammed V mosque in Antsirabe was revamped upon the instructions of King Mohammed VI to pay homage to and honor his late Grandfather, who devoted all his life to the struggle for the liberation of his country from colonialism.
The name of Antsirabe will remain engraved in the national memory because the city welcomed the late sovereign and his family during their exile that is a landmark in the Moroccan history and the national struggle for the recovery of Independence.