Tanzania Supports Morocco’s Return to African Union
Tanzania’s President John Joseph Magufuli Pombe has expressed his country’s full support to Morocco’s bid to rejoin the African Union and to retake “its legitimate seat”.
In a joint statement issued at the end of the official visit paid by King Mohammed VI to Tanzania (Oct.23-25), Magufuli voiced willingness to support and defend Morocco’s return to the African institutional family during the next AU summit.
During the royal visit to Dar Es Salam, the Moroccan Sovereign and President John Pombe Joseph Magufuli discussed the North African Kingdom’s decision to rejoin the AU and expressed hope to see Rabat return to the pan-African organization, adds the document.
During the latest African Summit held in Kigali (Rwanda), 28 African member countries out of 54 submitted a motion welcoming Morocco’s application to rejoin the African Union, noting that the North African country is one of the founding members of the AU’s predecessor, the Organization of African Unity (OAU.)
They also called for the immediate suspension of the membership of the self-proclaimed RASD, which was illegally admitted in 1984 through the illegitimate use of threats, deceit, coercion and dirty petrodollar money.
The joint statement released following King Mohammed VI visit to Tanzania stresses that the two countries share the “same ambitious vision” for Africa” as a continent taking control of its own destiny, steering its own development and embarking on the irreversible road of stability.
The two countries’ Heads of State stressed the need to strengthen South-South & triangular cooperation, to promote a sustainable development, based on African resources and African skills.
The royal visit to Tanzania, 2nd leg of a tour in East Africa that led the Sovereign also to Rwanda, was wrapped up with the signing of 22 cooperation agreements in the political, economic, scientific and cultural realms.
The agreements include partnership projects in hydrocarbons, energy, mining, industry, air transportation, agriculture, fisheries, fertilizers, renewable energy, tourism, insurance, health and banking among others.
During the same visit, King Mohammed VI, Commander of the Faithful, launched construction works for a new mosque in Dar es Salaam. The mosque that bears the Sovreign’s name, will be built over 7,400 square meters and will accommodate more than 5,000 worshipers.