Rabat Hosts MED Conference on Climate Change Sept.8th
Morocco’s capital city of Rabat will host next Sept.8th an international conference on climate change in the Mediterranean ahead of COP22 scheduled in Marrakech Nov.7-18, 2016.
Organized by the European Investment Bank (EIB) and the Union for the Mediterranean, the conference on “Climate Action in the Mediterranean” will discuss climate change adaptation, mitigation and climate finance.
It features three panels: the 1st titled “From Paris to Marrakech – The road travelled since COP21” will look into the progress made since the Paris UN conference on climate up to Marrakech conference (COP22).
Debates will focus on how climate action can contribute to meeting the SDGs in the Mediterranean region. The discussion will address the implementation of the Paris Agreement, including progress on regulations, strategies and investment plans for both mitigation and adaptation.
The importance of understanding the interactions between mitigation and adaptation, and the importance of cooperation among different stakeholders will also be reviewed.
The EIB, one of the major providers of climate finance, says it stands ready to help to turn these commitments into reality: by offering its significant expertise, mobilizing the necessary finance and getting the private sector on board for the considerable investments that will be needed in the years ahead.
The second panel will look into ways of increasing support for adaptation in the MED region. According to experts, making MED region resilient to climate change requires swift action to assess and reduce the climate vulnerability of different areas and economic activities.
Accelerating adaptation actions in the Mediterranean region is necessary as climate change is increasingly affecting fundamental aspects such as water availability, food production and the safety and quality of life in urban areas.
Participants will tackle the urgent need for adaptation measures in the region and showcase what the EIB can do to support Mediterranean countries to face this emerging threat in terms of its lending, blending and advising activities.
The third panel will debate issues related to climate finance and support of national climate action plans. The experts will highlight the various climate financing tools and advisory services available in the region.
According to the conference organizers, the panelists will emphasize the importance of cooperation between public institutions and private sectors for the financing climate projects.