Morocco, Portugal Make Headway towards Electric Interconnectivity
A technical and economic feasibility study for the electric interconnection between Morocco and Potugal was launched on Monday in Rabat and Lisbon.
This intercontinental electric link will be operational in 2020 following the presentation of the results of the feasibility studies by Rabat and Lisbon.
The implementation of this undersea electric interconnectivity will place Morocco at the heart of key regional energy players, as the North African country launched substantive projects to produce 42% of its electricity output out of renewable energy sources by 2020 with a strong export potential.
For its part, Portugal aims at bringing the part of renewable energies to 31% of total energy production in the country by 2020.
Besides renewables, the two countries launched ambitious projects to diversify their energy sources through the construction of liquefied gas terminals.
With a capacity of 1000 megawatts, the Moroccan-Portuguese electric interconnectivity will help create a regional energy hub and increase regional energy independence.