Tag: Sahara

How the UN C24 became a pro-Sahara autonomy plan Forum

June 20, 2024

At the UN C24 forum, Morocco has received steady support in recent years despite Algeria’s attempt to use the UN forum to serve its separatist ... Read More

UNC-24: GCC, Gabon & Senegal Reiterate Recognition of Moroccanness of Sahara

June 14, 2024

The Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), Gabon, and Senegal have reiterated separately their firm recognition of Morocco’s full sovereignty over its entire Sahara territory, commending the ... Read More

Sahara: Slovenia supports Morocco’s Autonomy Plan offering realistic & enduring peaceful solution

June 11, 2024

Slovenia’s foreign minister Mrs. Tanja Fajon has voiced her country’s strong support for Morocco’s Autonomy Plan offered for the Sahara under its sovereignty, saying the ... Read More

Sahara: Bangui reaffirms steadfast backing to Morocco’s territorial integrity & Autonomy Plan

June 11, 2024

Foreign minister of Central African Republic, Mrs. Sylvie Baïpo-Temon, has reiterated her country’s unwavering support for Morocco’s territorial integrity, describing the autonomy plan proposed by ... Read More

CAR President addresses written message to Morocco’s King, FM reiterates support to Autonomy Plan

June 10, 2024

President of the Central African Republic Faustin-Archange Touadéra has addressed a written message to King Mohammed VI. The message was handed over by CAR Foreign ... Read More

Sahara: UN Representative Miguel Ángel Moratinos lauds Spanish Government’s support to Morocco’s Autonomy Plan

April 27, 2024

The High Representative of the UN for the Alliance of Civilizations, Miguel Ángel Moratinos, commended at a recent gathering in Madrid, the Spanish government's endorsement ... Read More

Morocco on course to take full-control of Sahara air space management

April 20, 2024

Spain has confirmed it was working on handing over the management of the Sahara air space to Morocco, which has followed a gradual approach to ... Read More

Sahara: Time has come for Nairobi to give Algiers the boot

April 9, 2024

Sensing an incoming shift in Kenya’s standing on Moroccan Sahara, Algeria’s Foreign Minister Ahmed Attaf travelled on Monday to Nairobi in a bid to beg ... Read More

France greenlights public funding for private projects in Morocco’s Sahara

April 3, 2024

France has allowed its development agencies to fund projects in the Moroccan Sahara, a move that implies a recognition of Moroccan sovereignty over the territory, ... Read More

Sahara: UN Security Council holds this April behind-closed doors briefing amid regional tensions

April 2, 2024

MINURSO Chief Alexander Ivanko and UN envoy for the Sahara Staffan de Mistura are expected to brief this April the UN Security Council on latest ... Read More