Tag: railway

East Africa’s planned railway gets boost as four EAC states join the Kenya-Uganda project

May 8, 2024

Four East African Community (EAC) member states — Rwanda, Burundi, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and South Sudan — have joined the joint project by ... Read More

ECOWAS risks losing US$1bn in investments due to withdrawal of its three coup-hit members

April 7, 2024

Trade between Nigeria and neighboring Niger has bounced back since the West African bloc ECOWAS lifted sanctions on the latter coup-hit country, just as the ... Read More

Guinea: Rio Tinto set to launch $20bn ‘world’s biggest mining project’ after 27-year delay

January 10, 2024

Anglo-Australian mining giant Rio Tinto is poised to commence a "world’s biggest” $20 billion mining project in the Republic of Guinea this year, following a ... Read More

Train traffic between Burkina Faso, Côte d’Ivoire on hold

July 26, 2023

The train traffic ensuring the transportation of hundreds of thousands of people and tons of goods between Cote d’Ivoire and Burkina Faso has been temporarily ... Read More

Rail sector development is key to regional integration in Africa — SARA

October 31, 2022

As the Southern African Railway Association (SARA) announced it is pushing ahead with the drafting of a regional railway master plan, Namibia State-owned freight utility ... Read More

Kenya demands renegotiation of $5bn borrowed from China

October 20, 2022

Kenya wants to renegotiate a multibillion-dollar loan from China that was used to build a major railway because though the country is up to date ... Read More

Egypt in talks with five financial institutions to finance Aswan-Toshka railway project

December 21, 2021

Egypt is negotiating with five international financial institutions funding for planned Aswan-Toshka railway project linking the Arab republic to neighboring Sudan, reports say. The European ... Read More

Egypt to buy 50 new locomotives from Siemens giant

April 10, 2020

Egypt Railway Authority is in the process of buying 50 new locomotives from German multinational conglomerate company as the most populated Arab country embarks modernizing ... Read More

Tunisia: Phosphate transportation back into service

March 22, 2013

The Tunisian ministry of transport has announced and made public on Thursday the information that the railway from the Redeyef mine has begun service since ... Read More