Palestinian Culture Minister commends role of Morocco’s King in protecting Al-Quds, its civilizational heritage

Palestinian Culture Minister commends role of Morocco’s King in protecting Al-Quds, its civilizational heritage

Palestinan Minister of Culture, Imad Hamdan, has commended King Mohammed VI, Chairman of the Al-Quds Committee, for his laudable role in protecting the Holy City of Al Quds and preserving its civilizational character.

The Palestinian official made the remarks in Rabat Sunday during a visit to the Bayt Mal Al-Quds Asharif Agency’s headquarters, where he held a working session with the Agency’s Managing director, Mohamed Salem Echerkaoui.

During the talks, Hamdan praised the role of Bayt Mal Al-Quds Agency, the executive arm of the Al-Quds Committee, in delivering concrete projects with a positive economic and social impact on the Palestinian people.

Imad Hamdan expressed the wish to concentrate efforts to consolidate and consecrate the Palestinian narrative and protect the Arab-Islamic identity of the Holy City.

He also expressed his department’s willingness to examine ways of strengthening cooperation and partnership with Bayt Mal Al-Quds Asharif Agency in areas of common interest, praising the Agency’s strong presence and activities in Al-Quds.

The Palestinian Minister visited The Al-Quds Committee’s permanent exhibition at the Agency’s headquarters in Rabat, and was briefed on the Agency’s programs and activities in support of the Holy City’s main cultural centers.

The Palestinian official held talks the same day with his Moroccan peer Mohamed Mehdi Bensaid, with focus on the solid historical and fraternal relations between Morocco and Palestine, as well as on the special interest King Mohammed VI grants to the Palestinian cause.

In this vein, Bensaid reaffirmed Morocco’s constant, historic, and unwavering position in favor of the Palestinian cause, stressing that the Kingdom remains firmly committed to a peaceful two-state solution, with a view to establishing a just and lasting peace in the Middle East region.

The Moroccan official recalled that King Mohammed VI devoted a large part of his latest Throne Day Speech to recent developments in the Gaza Strip, illustrating the special interest and personal follow-up that the Sovereign continues to devote to the Palestinian cause.

Bensaid also stressed the importance of the partnership between the two countries in the cultural field, noting that they are both determined to implement various programs and conclude several agreements in the cultural industry.

For his part, the Palestinian minister expressed his gratitude to the Moroccan King and people for their constant and unwavering support for the Palestinian question, hailing in this respect the Sovereign’s efforts in favor of the Palestinian cause.

During the meeting, Bensaid gave his Palestinian counterpart an overview of the projects launched by Morocco in the cultural and creative industries sector, stressing their importance in supporting and boosting the economy, particularly in terms of job creation among young people.

The meeting also provided an opportunity to discuss the exchange of expertise, experience and skills with a view to bringing the cultures of the two brotherly peoples closer together, and to emphasize the need to update the executive program of cultural cooperation between Morocco and Palestine, in addition to cooperation in the digitization of books and manuscripts, while making Moroccan experience in this field available to the Palestinians.

The two sides also agreed to strengthen cooperation and coordination in the cultural field within regional and international institutions in the interests of Morocco and Palestine, and to promote bilateral cultural cooperation.

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