Bamako under Attack: Militants strike at Mali’s heart

Bamako under Attack: Militants strike at Mali’s heart

Mali’s capital Bamako got a rude wake-up call Tuesday when Islamic militants launched a daring attack on a military training camp and the airport. It’s not every day the big city sees action like this, and it caught everyone off guard.

The army scrambled to respond, eventually getting the upper hand. They managed to “neutralize” the attackers at the Faladie military police school. At least 15 suspects are cooling their heels in custody now.

Sadly, some soldiers didn’t make it. The army is being tight-lipped about the numbers, but they confirmed trainee deaths at the camp.

The al-Qaida crowd, JNIM, were quick to claim responsibility for the attack. They even posted videos of a plane going up in flames, bragging about the damage they caused.

This attack is a big deal. It shows these militants can hit hard, even in the capital. It has got people worried, especially since Mali has been struggling with insurgencies for over a decade.

The junta in charge, led by Col. Assimi Goita, has its hands full. They have kicked out the French and cozied up to Russian mercenaries, but attacks are still on the rise.

For Bamako folks, it is a scary reminder that no place is truly safe. As one expert put it, the militants are showing they can strike anywhere, anytime. It is a game-changer, and everyone is on edge, wondering what’s next.


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