Morocco: King Mohammed VI celebrates a Quarter Century of Achievements and Challenges

Morocco: King Mohammed VI celebrates a Quarter Century of Achievements and Challenges

King Mohammed VI proudly celebrated the 25th anniversary of his accession to the throne. In his speech, he expressed his gratitude to God for the political, institutional, economic, and social achievements of his reign.

The King highlighted efforts to consolidate Moroccan identity, ensure social cohesion, and strengthen Morocco’s position on the international stage.

The King also underscored the ongoing challenges, particularly the issue of water exacerbated by drought and climate change. He emphasized the importance of good governance, the prompt implementation of water transfer projects, the construction of dams, and the acceleration of desalination plants.

The speech also addressed Morocco’s support for the Palestinian cause, the King’s commitment as President of the Al-Quds Committee to provide urgent aid to Gaza, and the promotion of a sustainable solution based on the two-state solution.

Finally, the King praised the efforts of all the nation’s vital forces and paid tribute to the Royal Armed Forces and security services for their dedication to defending national unity and preserving the country’s security.

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