US State department commends Morocco’s anti-human trafficking efforts

US State department commends Morocco’s anti-human trafficking efforts

The US State Department welcomed Morocco’s efforts to counter human trafficking in its 2024 Trafficking in Persons Report.

Morocco’s crackdown on human trafficking enabled it to integrate tier 2 category of countries that made significant efforts to bring themselves into compliance with the Trafficking Victims Protection Act (TVPA).

Tunisia was listed among the least performing in tier 2, while Algeria was listed among Tier 3 which includes countries with the lowest ranking, akin to failing grade. War-torn Libya was listed as a special case along with other conflict-stricken countries.

“Both the 2020 and 2022 UNODC Global Report on Trafficking in Persons and a 2021 INTERPOL report suggest North Africa and the Middle East have the highest share of detected victims, in part due to the prevalence of large vulnerable communities, limited access to medical care, and corruption,” the US State Department aid on its website.

Around the globe, an estimated 27 million people are exploited for labor, services, and commercial sex, it said.

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