Sahara: Algeria’s desperate resort to mercenaries reflects the very failure of its separatist project in Morocco – Diplomat

Sahara: Algeria’s desperate resort to mercenaries reflects the very failure of its separatist project in Morocco – Diplomat

Algeria’s desperate resort to three mercenaries, traitors to their country, as so-called petitioners to talk not about the Moroccan Sahara, but to call for violence and attack the sacred institutions of the Kingdom, reflects the very failure of the Algerian regime’s separatist scheme in Morocco.

The remarks were made by Morocco’s permanent representative to the UN, Omar Hilale, while he was exercising two rights of reply following the intervention, full of lies, of the Algerian ambassador to the UN Amar Benjama at the C24.

, called as witness the United Nations, the international community and the Algerian people on the perfidy of the Algerian ruling power against Morocco and its supreme interests.

Ambassador Hilale declared that Algeria, which has exhausted all its supports and all its scoundrels, brought back to the C24 meeting, so-called petitioners, 3 traitors to their country, to talk not about the Moroccan Sahara, but to call for violence and attack the sacred institutions of the Kingdom. “What happened this morning is unacceptable, he said, calling the United Nations, the C-24, the international community and the Algerian people to stand as witness to the perfidy of the Algerian ruling power against Morocco and its supreme interests.

“The Algerian government brings back to New York, funds, pays the plane tickets, and hotels of a few mercenaries in order to attack the institutions of the Kingdom. Morocco, which is a thousand-year-old State with a 5-centuries-old Monarchy, will never bring Algerians to attack the Algerian State and institutions,” stated the Moroccan diplomat, noting that “the fact of having brought these 3 criminals this morning reflects the very failure of Algeria and its separatist project”.

Algeria can no longer find anyone to defend its fallacious thesis on the Moroccan Sahara, so it is bringing 3 Moroccans to attack their own country. “They are traitors and it is unfortunate that the Algerian government is resorting to these processes,” the diplomat said, stressing that “Morocco is a country of principles and values. Morocco is a country with an ancient civilization. Morocco will never attack Algerian institutions, nor Algerian statesmen. It will not pay any Algerian to come and attack the foundations of the Algerian state.”

Morocco’s Permanent Representative to the UN stated further, before a room stunned by the deceitful Algerian maneuvers, that “Algeria has spent billions of dollars on its polisario mercenaries. Now it is also spending millions of dollars bribing lowlifes. This is unfortunate. I call this United Nations room as witness, as well as the international community and especially the Algerian people so that they know where their money is going.”

“While the Algerian people queue for flour, milk, bananas and others, the Algerian government pays mercenaries whom it accommodates in 5-star hotels in New York for the sole purpose of insulting Morocco,” he asserted.

Hilale deplored the revealing silence of the Algerian ambassador and his inability to respond to the questions he is asked, while he greets and congratulates the 3 criminals.
“This is Algerian diplomacy. This is what the Algerian mission does at the UN. It brings scoundrels, traitors and mercenaries… The Algerian ambassador takes responsibility for his provocative act by greeting them and congratulating them in public. This is the failure of a neighboring country,” Hilale vigorously denounced.

In response to the Algerian ambassador’s assertions regarding human rights issues, the Moroccan diplomat confronted him with his lies by indicating that it suffices to contact the High Commissioner for Human Rights to know that Morocco has launched an open invitation to a dozen mandate holders of the special procedures of the Human Rights Council to visit the Kingdom, including its Sahara. Meanwhile, Algeria which claims in New York that the Tindouf camps are open, should tell this to the High Commissioner for Human Rights in Geneva.

“I would like the Algerian ambassador to present to us these invitations to the special procedures of the Human Rights Council. Morocco is ready, tomorrow, to present the ones it has launched to 12 mandate holders of the special procedures of the Human Rights Council,” he indicated.

“I would like the Algerian ambassador to think about the rights of the poor Algerian people and especially the Kabyles, who have been languishing in Algerian prisons for years,” Omar Hilale stated further.

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