Africa-Football: CAF denies postponement of AFCON-2025, axing Algeria’s raging media campaign

Africa-Football: CAF denies postponement of AFCON-2025, axing Algeria’s raging media campaign

The Confederation of African Football has denied press reports alleging the postponement of the 2025 Africa Cup of Nations to be hosted by Morocco, deflating the smear campaign launched by the Algerian regime which was vying for the tournament.

On Wednesday, French sports newspaper L’Equipe quoted CAF’s Secretary General as saying that the 2025 Morocco AFCON would be pushed forward by six months to early 2026 due to a tight schedule with expanded 32-team FIFA Club World Cup, which will be held in the U.S. from June 15 to July 13, 2025.

Immediately after the news broke out, Algerian media outlets went into a state of frenzy and unleashed their hostile campaign against the North African Kingdom, linking the postponement of CAN-2025 to the host country’s unreadiness, forgetting that several African teams have chosen Morocco to play their world cup qualifying games or other African qualifiers.

The Algerian propagandists also claimed that their country is ready to host the African tournament, while the whole world knows that Algerians suffer from acute lack of drinking water, insecurity, hooliganism, corruption, human rights violations, deepening social & political crisis…

The excitement of Algerian haters was short-lived and was crushed by a strongly worded statement issued the same day by the African football governing body, affirming that “reports on AFCON 2025 are untrue”, leaving the Algerian regime gobsmacked.

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