Korea-Africa Summit: Morocco Upbeat about Seoul’s Important Input to Africa’s Development

Korea-Africa Summit: Morocco Upbeat about Seoul’s Important Input to Africa’s Development

Morocco is convinced that Africa-Korea partnership brings in an important added value to the continent’s socioeconomic development, said Talbi El Alami, Speaker of the House of Representatives, who represents King Mohammed VI at the 1st Korea-Africa Summit convening in Seoul June 4-5.

Korea’s technological & scientific progress, economic emergence, and steadfast commitment to the stability, territorial integrity and national sovereignty of African states are drivers of success of cooperation between Seoul and the African continent, said Mr. El Alami.

Morocco is committed to consolidating further cooperation ties with Korea, he added, affirming that his country has built a solid and diversified relations with the majority of African countries.

Since the accession of King Mohammed VI to the Throne in 1999, Morocco has signed more than 1,000 cooperation agreements and protocols with 40 other African countries, bringing up the overall number of sealed agreements to 1,500, said Mr. El Alami.

Morocco’s cooperation projects carried out in Africa focus on the development of human capital rather than material gain within the frame of a solidarity-based “win-win” partnership, he stressed, affirming that Africa is a continent with young human resources and huge potentials conducive development and stability in an international juncture marked by conflicts and challenges to peace.

The Summiteers are discussing ways of developing cooperation between Korea and African states, particularly in the economic, energy and digital fields.

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