The Gambia joins Proliferation Security Initiative

The Gambia joins Proliferation Security Initiative

The Gambia has announced its accession as a new member of the Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI).

The Gambia announced its endorsement of the Proliferation Security Initiative in a letter Gambian Foreign Minister addressed to his Moroccan peer, Nasser Bourita.

Morocco and the United States of America welcome this decision, which marks a significant step forward in strengthening regional and international cooperation and coordination in the fight against the proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMD).

The Gambia’s endorsement of the PSI follows its active participation in the PSI African Political Conference, held January 31 to February 02, 2024 in Marrakech. The Conference adopted a joint declaration and announced the accession of six other African countries to the initiative, namely Benin, Zambia, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, Togo, and Madagascar.

These countries have expressed their commitment to strengthening South-South cooperation in terms of regional security and to developing efforts to promote the non-proliferation of WMD.

The PSI was established in 2003 to stop or impede transfers of WMD, their delivery systems, and related materials flowing to and from states and non-state actors of proliferation concern.

Based on the principles of voluntary partnership and information sharing, the PSI promotes regional and global security by deterring non-state actors from engaging in proliferation activities.

With this new PSI membership, The Gambia increases the number of African member countries of this initiative from 06 to 13, and the total number of member states from 106 to 113, thus consolidating efforts in the fight against WMD proliferation.

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