FIFA: Algeria & Polisario slapped with new rules banning player transfers from non-UN member states

FIFA: Algeria & Polisario slapped with new rules banning player transfers from non-UN member states

The Algerian regime was plotting to get the Polisario militias into the world football scene, but suffered another humiliating setback. After the firm decision made by the Confederation of African Football rejecting the membership of the separatists, the FIFA followed suit dealing them another resounding blow.

During the 74th FIFA Congress held Friday in Bangkok, the overwhelming majority of the world football governing body endorsed an amendment banning the transfer of players from non-UN member states. The motion, tabled by the International Football Association Board (IFAB), was passed with an outright majority of 202 votes against 4.

In 2021, the Confederation of African Football adopted a similar regulation stipulating that CAF membership is open only to football associations of sovereign member states of the United Nations Organization.

The joint stand adopted by CAF and FIFA axes the schemes hatched by the Algerian junta and its Polisario puppet against Morocco’s territorial integrity.

As it is not a member of the UN, the Polisario Front is not eligible for joining the world or African football family. It is not allowed to play in tournaments organized by CAF and FIFA, or to transfer players to Algerian clubs.

This is a clear international reprobation and slap in the face of self-proclaimed “SADR” and its handful supporters sitting on wrong side of history.

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