Cooperation in fight against terrorism, organized crime, cybercrime discussed by Moroccan and Spanish chiefs of police

Cooperation in fight against terrorism, organized crime, cybercrime discussed by Moroccan and Spanish chiefs of police

Moroccan-Spanish cooperation in the fight against terrorism, organized crime, and cybercrime was at the focus of talks held this Friday in Agadir by Director General of Morocco’s National Security and Territorial Surveillance, Abdellatif Hammouchi, and Director-General of the Spanish national police, Francisco Pardo Piqueras.

The Spanish official who is leading a delegation of the national police taking part in the 5th DGSN Open Days, held this year in Agadir, told the media after the meeting that cooperation between DGSN and the Spanish national police is “very effective”, especially in three key areas, namely the fight against terrorism, organized crime, and cybercrime.

The two institutions enjoy “important” cooperation also in the field of training, which is “fundamental to guarantee citizens’ security” in the two countries, he said.

The Spanish official noted that Spain and Morocco are two neighboring and friendly countries that cooperate in all areas, including security.

Security forces and bodies across the world are currently facing global challenges that can only be effectively addressed through international cooperation, he pointed out.

Regarding the Spanish national police delegation’s presence in the 5th DGSN Open Days, he said the delegation is honored to attend this event.

“We have closely observed the efforts to modernize Moroccan police made by DGSN, which I would like to congratulate”, he said.

The 5th edition of the Open Days hosted by the General Directorate of National Security (DGSN) is held in Agadir May 16-21, under the theme “National Security: Citizenship and Solidarity.”

This civic initiative aims to inform the public about the DGSN’s modernization efforts to ensure safety and maintain public order.

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