MINURSO should align focus to achievement of political solution based on compromise in Sahara- UNSC Resolution
The UN Security Council has barred the road to any reference to the obsolete and unfeasible referendum option, stating clearly that the MINURSO should align its focus to help achieve a mutually acceptable solution based on compromise.
The UN Security Council “emphasizes the need to achieve a realistic, practicable, enduring and mutually acceptable political solution to the question of Western Sahara based on compromise and the importance of aligning the strategic focus of MINURSO and orienting resources of the United Nations to this end,” reads resolution 2703 which renewed the UN peacekeeping mission’s mandate for another year.
Russia and Mozambique have failed to re-introduce reference to the obsolete referendum option which has been dropped out of UNSC references since Morocco submitted its autonomy plan in 2007.
The resolution echoed the concerns voiced by the UN Secretary General in his report to the Security Council regarding the obstacles posed by the Polisario to the re-supply of the UN peacekeeping mission east of Morocco’s security wall in the Sahara.
The resolution “calls for the safe and regular resupply of MINURSO team sites to ensure the sustainability of the Mission’s presence.”