Algeria forces Caritas charity out of the country
Algerian authorities have asked the Caritas charity to end all its activities in the country, a decision which the Catholic church said will enter into force on October 1.
The closure of Caritas is a new authoritarian move taken by the Algerian military regime which turned the country into a big prison preventing international charities and rights NGOs from operating.
Even tourists are asked for a visa in Algeria, not to mention journalists who are only let in if they are willing to do some pro-Polisario propaganda.
The Algerian government decided to stop activities of Caritas Algeria without giving a detailed official justification to the Bishops of the Catholic Church in Algeria.
Algeria has imposed a blackout on the media and on the international civil society as the crackdown on dissidents continues unabated by what the French President described as a brutal military regime.
On September, the UN special rapporteur on human rights was asked to put off his visit to the country indefinitely.