Algeria recycles its old accusations against Morocco
The military junta in Algiers is running out of imagination and ideas as it desperately resorts to the same old accusations to try to stop a momentum in favor of Morocco’s sovereignty over the Sahara region.
This time, Algeria’s foreign ministry issued a statement accusing Morocco of targeting civilian truckers “outside Morocco’s internationally-recognized borders.”
The accusation mimics November claims by the Algerian regime which said Morocco hit three trucks and threatened to retaliate.
The henchmen of the Algerian military junta in the media said the attack took place within Mauritania. Nouakchott discredited the reports dealing a blow to Algerian propaganda.
Assuming the attack was true, Morocco has made it clear to Algeria and the Polisario that it is attached to peace and the UN ceasefire agreement of 1991 but would not hesitate to respond to any aggression on its Saharan territories, including east of the security wall.
The Polisario and Algeria have been speaking of an imaginary war east of the berm without offering any evidence until now. Assuming the “civilian” trucks were hit, the question is what are they doing in what the Polisario and Algeria describe as a battle ground?
Algeria and its puppet the Polisario are used to fomenting tension as the Security Council prepares to be briefed on the Sahara.
By the past, they used to rely on banditry by blocking a border passage that links Morocco to Mauritania until the Royal Armed Forces cleared the area once and for all.
Now, Algerian rulers have only propaganda and they are fooling only themselves. No state has backed or expressed condolences to Algiers when it alleged that Morocco killed its truckers in the Sahara territory.
The Security Council will hear the new UN Envoy to the Sahara Staffan de Mistura, whose job is to kick start the UN process according to the same round tables format and with the participation of Algeria.
As it seeks to distract attention by sending its truckers to violate Morocco’s genuine borders, Algeria is trying to distract from its recent diplomatic setbacks.
The latest UN Security Council resolution 6202 insisted on the participation of Algeria.
Prior to that resolution, Algeria said it will not take part in the round tables. Morocco insists on negotiations with the participation of Algeria as the real party to the Sahara conflict.
Algeria is also helplessly watching global powers supporting Morocco’s sovereignty and its territorial integrity. Recently, Spain joined the US, Germany, France and Israel as well as most African and Arab states in backing the autonomy plan.
On the ground, Morocco is investing in its southern provinces, the most peaceful area in the wider Sahara and Sahel regions.
Algeria has better stop trading in the lives of its truckers and ask drivers to use the unpaved roads that links it to Mauritania without violating Morocco’s borders or else face consequences.