Morocco seeks to increase cobalt output

Morocco seeks to increase cobalt output

Morocco is currently searching for cobalt, a key commodity for rechargeable batteries and renewable energy transition, in tandem with an increasing demand on the metal, a Moroccan official told Reuters.

Secretary General of Morocco’s hydrocarbons and Mines office, Abdellah Mouttaqui said that the office and Moroccan mining company are prospecting for cobalt in the area of Siroua in south eastern Morocco.

Morocco is the world’s ninth cobalt producer and the ore extracted from Morocco enjoys a high purity.

The metal is usually produced as a byproduct of mostly copper and the DRC controls most of the world’s reserves.

BMW has announced that it has signed with Managem to buy cobalt directly from its mine in Bou Azzer to avoid ethical issues related to child labor in DRC cobalt mines.

Managem also partnered with Glencore to set up a cobalt production plant in the same mining site using recycled cobalt, nickel and lithium.

Morocco also aspires to play a key role in cobalt and rechargeable batteries supply chains through offering high purity cobalt together with stability of supply.

The concentration of cobalt in DRC exposes industries of renewable energy and electric vehicles to the risk of supply disruption in the event of political turmoil.

Hence, the strategic importance of Morocco’s cobalt supply and the quest of the country to foster its foothold on a commodity amid a surge in global demand.

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