King Mohammed VI champions African religious action against extremism
Mohammed VI foundation for African Ulema (religious scholars) held an event on interreligious dialogue in Abidjan during which the Moroccan King’s religious leadership was highlighted as a bulwark against extremism in the continent.
Speaking at this event, head of Côte D’Ivoire’s Islamic Affairs Council Cheikhoul Aima Ousma Diakite expressed recognition to Morocco under the leadership of King Mohammed VI in championing in the continent the values of moderation and tolerance inherent to Islam.
The King has spurred the creation of the Mohammed VI foundation for African Ulema, with branches in many African countries, which aim at safeguarding tolerant traditions that have been passed from a generation to another in West Africa and Morocco in line with the holy values of Islam.
Echoing him, head of Mohammed VI foundation for African Ulema in the Central African Republic Cheikh Ndiaye Salehou said Morocco has always been at the forefront of efforts to counter hate-speech and extremism through constructive dialogue.
The King’s Muslim authority as “Commander of the Faithful” and his lineal descent of the Prophet Mohammed gives him an edge in promoting the lofty values of Islam and taking action against extremism.
Building on its moderate school of Islam as a bulwark against extremism conducive to pre-empting radicalism at home and abroad, Morocco has extended the project of the Rabat-based Mohammed VI Institute, created in 2015, for the training of Imams to respond to the growing demand from a number of countries in Africa and also in Europe.
The Institute has offered training, accommodation and stipends to hundreds of Imams who are now practicing in their homelands spreading the lofty values of the religion.
“As Commander of the Faithful, I cannot speak of the Land of Islam, as if only Muslims lived there. I am keen to ensure freedom to practice the religions of the Book and I am the guarantor of that freedom. I protect Moroccan Jews as well as Christians from other countries, who are living in Morocco,” the King said in a speech at the esplanade of Hassan Mosque in Rabat on the first day of the Pope’s visit in 2019.