High-level dialogue on energy: Morocco named UN world champion
Morocco has been named at the high-level dialogue on energy as UN world champion of dialogue on the theme of “innovation, technology and data”, in recognition of the country’s efforts for the development of integrated and innovative renewable projects, with the objective of exceeding 52 % of renewable sources, in the national electricity mix by 2030.
Morocco received the designation during the launch of the UN High Level Dialogue on Energy, which took place virtually on March 10.
The launch marks the start of substantive preparations for the summit-level Dialogue to be convened by the UN Secretary-General in September 2021, setting a global roadmap to achieve clean, accessible energy for all by 2030 and net zero emissions by 2050, and mobilizing the voluntary commitments and actions urgently needed.
This dialogue aims to accelerate the achievement of Sustainable Development Goal 7 (guarantee access for all to reliable, sustainable and modern energy services at an affordable cost) and to facilitate the achievement of the climate objectives of the Paris Agreement.
As a world champion, Morocco will have to carry out global advocacy in favor of the theme of innovation, technology and data, and mobilize national energy pacts, by presenting a set of concrete actions to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 7 and meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement.
Morocco will also have the task of raising awareness to promote the High-Level Dialogue on Energy and provide strategic advice to its partners and to the technical working group.
Mustapha Bakkoury, President of Masen, represented Morocco at the virtual launch of the High-Level Energy Dialogue, the first global energy meeting under the auspices of the United Nations General Assembly since 1981.
King Mohammed VI’s vision, “which has shaped the achievements of the Kingdom in the field of renewable energies, and which has inspired the international dynamic since the holding of the COP22 in Marrakech, is crowned by this new mark of confidence of the United Nations, designating Morocco as world champion of High- Level UN Dialogue on energy,” said Bakkoury in a MASEN press release.
He added that the “strategic mission will make it possible to continue towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals at the global level, and to accelerate their implementation.”
MASEN won, in 2016, the UN environmental “Champions of the Earth” prize in the Entrepreneurial Vision category.
It is also strongly involved in the project Morocco and Ethiopia launched for Sustainable Access to Energy, benefiting populations of Least Developed Countries and other developing countries.
MASEN announced in December 2020, in collaboration with the Islamic Development Bank, the launch of a joint initiative to develop renewable energy projects in Africa.
The initiative seeks to catalyze the development of renewable energy projects in the Bank’s member countries in Africa.