Morocco calls on EU to support the positive dynamics underway in the Moroccan Sahara
Morocco has called on the European Union to leave its comfort zone and support the positive dynamics underway in the Moroccan Sahara.
The call was launched by Minister of Foreign Affairs Nasser Bourita in an interview with Europe Agency.
Answering a question on the US decision to recognize Morocco’s sovereignty over its Sahara, the minister explained that this is “a natural evolution of the position of the United States, which, since 2007, considers the Moroccan autonomy initiative as a serious and realistic basis for finding a final solution to this regional dispute.”
He made it clear that “when we say autonomy, I do not think there is autonomy outside of sovereignty”.
This position, he said, “strengthens the chances of a final solution,” noting that “Morocco is ready to engage in such a process, under the auspices of the United Nations, to find a solution to the Sahara issue within the framework of its autonomy initiative.”
The minister recalled in this regard that at the end of January, 42 countries supported this approach. “This is not an isolated position, but a trend at the level of the international community.”
Bourita called in this context for the EU to move out of its comfort zone.
“Europe just needs to get out of its comfort zone and support this international trend,” he stressed, pointing out that “the process has been going around in circles for years” and that today, “a direction is emerging and it is this direction that the EU must espouse as well”.
The Foreign Minister affirmed in this context that Europe needs a stable and secure Sahel-Sahara zone and that “these wishes can remain pious if there is no commitment”.
Today, the train will leave. Will Europe remain passive or will it contribute to this dynamic? he wondered.