COVID-19: Lockdown easing extended throughout Morocco with exception of five provinces
A gradual easing of the COVID-19-induced lockdown measures will be extended throughout Morocco, including in Rabat and Casablanca, as of June 24 at midnight, with the exception of five provinces where new clusters have been reported, the Interior and Health Ministries said in a joint statement.
The excluded provinces are Tangier, Asilah, Marrakech, Larache, and Kenitra, which are among the country’s hardest hit regions.
According to the two ministries the decision was based on the tracking of the epidemiological situation in the said regions.
Earlier this month, the two ministries had divided Morocco into two major zones: 1 and 2. The inhabitants of zone 1 have been allowed to freely go outside without having to carry a special authorization and have been able to open businesses and resume commercial activities.
Residents in the provinces and prefectures added to Zone 1 will also be able to go out without exceptional movement permits, have access to public spaces, such as gardens and parks, and practice individual outdoor sports activities.
Some businesses in Zone 1 are allowed to resume their activities while abiding by some sanitary and other preventive measures to contain the spread of COVID-19.
The country, however, maintains the ban on large gatherings, including weddings, funerals, and celebrations, in both zones.
Likewise, hammams (public baths) and mosques will remain closed.
Citizens in both zones will have to abide by sanitary measures, including the wearing of facemasks in public, social distancing, and other preventive measures.
The progressive lockdown easing is made on the basis of the results of the daily monitoring of the implementation of the first phase of the restrictions lifting plan and following the evaluation made by the monitoring committees, the joint statement said.
The government will announce any further gradual ease of COVID-19 lockdown measures on a weekly basis, depending on the epidemiological situation of each region.