Covid-19: Morocco supports artists, writers, actors, musicians…
Morocco’s minister of culture Othman El Ferdaous has unveiled a new series of supportive measures destined to mitigate the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on artists, writers, musicians, painters, singers, actors…
These measures include advancing the payment of royalties to the artists, musicians, singers, authors and writers. The ministry will also launch a $4 million funding call for new projects in drama, music, choreography, plastic arts, etc.
Over $1.1 million funding has been earmarked within the frame of this package for publishing projects and books promotion. The ministry of culture will also support painters and sculptors through the purchase of their works.
A budget of nearly 275,740 dollars has been set for this program. Each piece of artwork can be bought for between $517 and $3000.
To alleviate the impact of the covid-19 lockdown enforced in the country since mid-March to prevent the spread of the virus, Moroccan authorities paid monthly allowances ranging from $80 to $200 to those who lost their jobs and deferred taxes & loan installments for SMEs.