COVID-19: International media continue praising Morocco’s strategy as one of the best in the world
The International media are continuing praising the unparalleled measures taken by Morocco to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, with some describing the kingdom’s strategy as one of the best in the world.
Italian news agency NOVA commented that the plan adopted by Morocco to fight the coronavirus epidemic is “unprecedented and the first of its kind in Africa”.
In a dispatch entitled “Covid-19 virus: the royal plan to deal with the crisis”, the agency stated that the measures taken by Morocco were based, from the start, on a preventive and proactive approach to stem the epidemic, at the instigation of King Mohammed VI.
The agency noted that Morocco’s plan to fight the coronavirus epidemic is “multidimensional” and includes “diverse and far-reaching” measures to curb the spread of the virus and counter the economic and social impact of the epidemic.
These measures constitute a Moroccan “Marshall Plan”, stated the agency, which listed all the moves made by Morocco, including the closure of borders, the health quarantine and social distancing, the compulsory wearing of protective masks, as well as the upgrading of medical equipment, the strengthening of hospital bed capacity, and the mobilization of military medical staff and infrastructure in the fight against the pandemic.
NOVA also highlighted the measures adopted by authorities to provide support to the populations most affected by the slowdown in economic activity, in particular through the Special Fund launched, at the initiative of King Mohammed VI.
The fund has started paying compensations to workers who lost their jobs because of the lockdown.
The Times of India, the largest-selling English daily in the world, on its part published a column on the coronavirus crisis’ impact on Africa, highlighting Morocco’s efforts to curb the pandemic, as the most exemplary in the continent.
“One African nation that has taken exemplary measures to fight COVID-19 is the North African nation of Morocco,” stated the author of the column, who added that Morocco is shielding the entire African continent from the pandemic, thanks to its strategic location.
“What Morocco does in controlling the pandemic is critical for Africa because it is the gateway between Europe and the continent. And with Spain and France each having well over 100,000 COVID-19 cases just next door, Morocco is like the northern shield for Africa,” commented the publication, which enumerated the exceptional proactive measures implemented to protect its population from the pandemic.
Morocco’s proactive strategy reverberated in South America, where “Nova Paraguay” commented that the Kingdom’s strategy in the fight against the COVID-19 “stands out as one of the best in the world.”
The outlet highlighted the quick decision to devote 2.7% of the country’s GDP to respond to the pandemic, becoming one of the first four countries in the world to mobilize such financial resources to the crisis.
Several European news outlets have also commended Morocco’s reaction to COVID-19, such as Spanish newspaper El Pais, French website “myeurop.info, and French radio station “France Info.”
Each of these outlets hailed the Moroccan King’s swift response and comprehensive socioeconomic relief measures taken to mitigate the fallout of the covid-19 pandemic, pointing out that this proactive strategy puts Morocco at the forefront of countries having adopted the adequate measures to contain the spread of the Coronavirus.