Coronavirus: Morocco opens probe following publication of names of passengers who travelled with infected man
Health Ministry reports a second confirmed case.
Morocco’s Personal Data & Privacy Protection Authority has opened an investigation following the publication in social media networks of the list of the 104 air passengers who travelled with the first Moroccan affected with coronavirus.
“This is a violation of privacy and is totally unacceptable”, said on Wednesday Omar Seghrouchni, chairman of the National committee for personal data control and protection (CNDP).
A probe has been launched and the leakers will be held accountable under the law and face heavy penalty, added Seghrouchni.
The protection of privacy is a fundamental right stipulated by the new Constitution of Morocco. Data protection laws prohibit the disclosure or misuse of information about private individuals.
The 104 passengers who were on the same plane with the Moroccan national infected with coronavirus as well as members of his family are quarantined and closely watched over by local medical teams.
The first Moroccan identified with coronavirus entered the North African country coming from Italy on February 29 without symptoms but fell sick later. The tests carried out turned out positive but his health condition is stable.
On Thursday, the Health Ministry reported a second confirmed case.
A woman, 89, who suffers from a chronic disease, was tested positive and is in ‘critical condition’, the Health Ministry said.
The infected woman also returned to Morocco coming from Italy.
Head of the Govt. Saad Eddine El Othmani said the virus could have an impact on the Moroccan economy but no assessment has been made yet.
According to experts, the Coronavirus is expected to affect air transport, hotel & leisure industries, trade & artistic shows…at home and overseas.
Several economic, sporting and artistic events have been cancelled, including the international agricultural fair due in April in Meknes.
The novel coronavirus has spread throughout the world since the first cases were detected in central China in December. More than 3,200 people have died globally and over 94,000 have been infected, and the World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the outbreak a public health emergency of international concern.