Diplomatic Circle’s Annual Fancy-fair Held in Rabat Saturday
The annual charity fancy-fair organized by the diplomatic circle, gathering the spouses of ambassadors accredited to Morocco, was inaugurated in Rabat Saturday by Princess Lalla Meriem, the eldest sister of King Mohammed VI.
Princess Lalla Meryem visited the different stands of the charity bazaar, which features handicraft products from around the world, and was given explanations about the projects carried out by the Diplomatic Circle in social and cultural fields.
Chairwoman of the diplomatic circle, Danielle Kebbon, spouse of the Swedish ambassador to Rabat, described the yearly bazaar as an opportunity for promoting cultural exchanges, fostering friendship and upgrading support to women and children.
Mrs Kebbon reviewed the projects achieved the previous year, recalling that the Diplomatic Circle supports 14 associations active in reducing the disparities that adversely affect women and children.
The Diplomatic Circle members are from different religions and cultures but they all work for the same goal: assist needy women and children, primarily in the rural world, and support Moroccan NGOs involved in the fields of education, health and women’s empowerment.The Rabat diplomatic circle, set up 30 years ago, celebrates through the annual charity bazaar friendship, solidarity and support to Moroccan NGOs focused on education, health, and empowering rural women.
The bazaar next year’s theme will focus on women’s empowerment, Mrs Kebbon said.