King urges parliament to devote efforts commensurate with new phase awaiting Morocco
King Mohammed VI stressed the role of the parliament in ensuring the successful implementation of policies in light of the challenges facing Morocco.
“This parliamentary year should be placed under the motto of responsibility and hard work, since we are halfway through the current parliamentary term,” said the King at the opening of the fall session of the parliament.
He said the context is conducive for devoted work as the present legislative session is quite some time away from the contentious debates typical of the election period.
Morocco braces for a new phase to address disparities and build on past achievements to create jobs in line with a new development model, said the King, hence the special emphasis on the most important economic and development challenges involved in this phase.
“It is, therefore, the duty of politicians – the government, parliament and political parties in particular – to provide for the conditions needed to rise successfully to the above-mentioned challenges,” the monarch said.
“As Members of Parliament, you are responsible for the quality of the laws passed to implement projects and decisions on the ground, making sure they are attuned to the pulse of society, fulfil the citizens’ aspirations and address their concerns,” he added.
New Phase
The King dismissed procrastination in his speech stressing that the new phase “starts now,” while urging MPs to cooperate in a sense of unity, mobilization and vigilance and abstain from pointless disputes and time and energy wasting.
The legislative branches should fulfil their duty in implementing reforms and following up decisions.
The private sector and the government are also required to shoulder their responsibility, said the king.
“The government should tap all means available to it, especially statistical data and inspection and control mechanisms, in order to guarantee the efficient implementation of decisions, making sure stakeholders work with one another in a transparent, harmonious way,” he said.
“In this regard, there can be no shirking of responsibility, especially if the principle of public accountability is strictly enforced.”